Bastei - DC - Cable

Connect the Bastei DC cable to your linear power supply to bring out the deeper layer of music experience. To season your audio system for versatile tastes.

From £59.00


Key Features

  • Carbon fiber, staunch and lightweight, five-times stronger than steel and twice as stiff, high in stiffness, high in tensile strength, high in chemical resistance, low weight to strength ratio, low thermal expansion, temperature tolerant to excessive heat, widely applied on manufacturing high-tech as aerospace, automotive, and military.

  • High temperature resistance, friction resistance, corrosion resistance, excellent electrical conductivity, heat conduction.

  • Independently isolated cable structure for both positive signal and negative, preferentially oriented along the fiber axis, it has high strength and modulus.

Product Specifications

Dimensions: 20cm / 50cm / 150cm
Colour: Light Orange
Terminals: Pure copper gold-plated + Carbon fiber